
Name: Deborah Kaiser - Valentina De Leon
Proyect Name: My Dada Nightmares

We might distinguish between two kinds of spatial disposition, effective and affective. The first one tries to insert movements, figures, stories, and activities into some larger organization that predates and survive them; the second, by contrast seeks to release figures or movements from any such organization, allowing them to go off on unexpected paths or relate to one another in undetermined ways. Construction and intuition acquires different senses in the two cases; the first tries to draw all the lines of our various geometries from the fixed points of a prior system, while the second works through a more informal diagram that throws together odd features in a loose intuition that creates its own points as it goes along. Any constructed space always reveals a tension between these two types of geometries.
Once we think of the “geometries of living” along such lines, we encounter a first philosophical problem; the problem of the other, of autrui. Deleuze formulates it in an original way, connected to the question of geometry: he says that the other is the “expression of a possible world” that doesn’t exist outside the expression.
What happens when the other is not there or is “foreclosed” from possible experience is a “destructuring” or “ungrounding” that affects at once the perceiving subject and the perceptual field; other kinds of movements and forms emerge no longer fixed as definite objects given to unchanging subjects. In particular we see a loss of Gestaltist or phenomenological perceptual organization such as the relations between figure and ground, profile and unity, center and margin, length and depth, horizon and horizon and focus, up and down.
One confronts what happens when the perceptual system itself loosens up, allowing other things to happen. These are the spaces of possible “encounter” not rooted in the futilities of the search for recognition but concerned instead with the play of other possible worlds.

Architectural images:

Foreign Office Architects
Yokohama International Port Terminal
Yokohama, Japan


Peter Eisenman
Memorial to the murdered Jews of europe
Belrin, Germany


Competition winner, International Garden Festival Reford Gardens/Jardins de Métis
Metis, Canada


Proyect Development


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