Finally, we thought again about the text , we thought about these words and concepts,
"AFFECTIVE SPACE of unanticipated encounter and connection, creating “little worlds”, RELEASE FIGURES from any organization allowing unexpected paths or relate to one another in undeterminated ways, NOT THE SEARCH OF RECOGNITION BUT THE PLAY OF OTHER POSSIBLE WORLDS, Loss of gestaltit or phenomenological perceptual organization, NO NEED FOR A PREESTABLISHED HARMONY AMONG VARIOUS PERSPECTIVES, map indeterminate or informal variations,abscense of any “architectonic” system or hatmony
from singular points leading to others paths, movements, shapes , OPERATIVE FORMS, released from classical determination, allows forms or figures to do others things, AFFECT US, FORMLESS, LESS PREDICTIBLE, ANORGANIZED COMPLEX SPACE
Borgesian situation where characters become so flexible or indeterminate that at any point they might bifurcate and go off into other possible narratives. "
And we combine both systems, creating a TENSION BETWEEN the 2.
We want to create on world divide in 2 systems :
"AFFECTIVE SPACE of unanticipated encounter and connection, creating “little worlds”, RELEASE FIGURES from any organization allowing unexpected paths or relate to one another in undeterminated ways, NOT THE SEARCH OF RECOGNITION BUT THE PLAY OF OTHER POSSIBLE WORLDS, Loss of gestaltit or phenomenological perceptual organization, NO NEED FOR A PREESTABLISHED HARMONY AMONG VARIOUS PERSPECTIVES, map indeterminate or informal variations,abscense of any “architectonic” system or hatmony
from singular points leading to others paths, movements, shapes , OPERATIVE FORMS, released from classical determination, allows forms or figures to do others things, AFFECT US, FORMLESS, LESS PREDICTIBLE, ANORGANIZED COMPLEX SPACE
Borgesian situation where characters become so flexible or indeterminate that at any point they might bifurcate and go off into other possible narratives. "
And we combine both systems, creating a TENSION BETWEEN the 2.
We want to create on world divide in 2 systems :
1) order, repetition of one basic structure
2) rhizomatic flow of elastic forms, with one “skin” in between
,but at the same time it is n0t a division, but ONE composed element. "
From the texts:
"“You can’ t have similarity without difference, and you can’ t have difference without similarity” C. Lvei-Strauss
Even though they look different they are similar at the level of performance. Even though the look similar, they behave different .
“progressive differentiation”, The wasps’ body example
Even though they look different they are similar at the level of performance. Even though the look similar, they behave different .
“progressive differentiation”, The wasps’ body example
So, we have ONE logic but two systems or ONE system with 2 logics…
The building technique is the same (bridging) but the effects are different, but in the whole we have a space that affects the viewer.

So, we work with questions:
What do you see? How? What do you perceived? What do you feel? How? Where? Why?
What is underneath?
What is reality?
Is reality only what you see? Can you trust your vision?
What is order? Is logic the truth? How to affect it ? Logically?
What is a border? What is a transition?
Is opposite really different?
..(to be continued in the process of the research)
So, we want to create different spaces with different scales, and different treatment of the light with all this layers…the “underground rhizomatic” could be darker because of the complexity but it could allow to more particular little spaces( we think is nice to give some “less open public” spaces, where one can hide in this particular plot, surrounded by all this historic architecture and people., and the “upper elegant” space is for open views, to be seen, to share…but in fact, it won’t be a clear separation, both “words” are in fact affecting each other, becoming ONE unit, so in some spaces you don’t recognize where you are.
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