The idea comes from a ribbon, something flexible which is be able to envelope the central part of the playground. It will be nice to get the shape of ribbon movement which also has a nice color. The shape of the building cover should be useful for people, it can be a shape that people can lay their body there. The design want to develop the flexibility as well as providing recreation and enjoyment.

Combining 2 or more objects of polygon, select the 2 faces of the object, extrude and scale it. The polygon object will connect each other and we can manipulate the object not only with move and scale tool but also we can play with the number of subdivision. If we can develop this basic of polygon tool and manipulate it we will get numerous of different shape.

We can make a nurbs surface by loft technique, nurbs makes a soft shapes, we can control the surface with rebuild it. We can duplicate the surface and manipulate the object, changing the scale or using the move tool, connect each curve and we can get the different model.
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