
Anindita Leksono_Attawit Sotyom (working progress)

This is our new design, we still want to make something which is related with nature (flower). We made some equipments to play, some space covered by petals, different texture for each equipment, and more colorful. We want to make something playground fantasy......

1 comment:

  1. much better ;)

    I think you are on the right way now and I can see that your are working hard on all issues.
    There is still much to do in terms of rigor.

    I explained what I mean by that already to other students so I just paste in a few comments that should help you to refine your design:

    so although at the moment it is good to try different things and add them onto the site to test them also evaluate and analyze your own work for its potentials!
    Then try to be more rigorous with the successful elements and imagine how you would need to alter/transform/change/refine them so they can do additional things for the playground.
    that is when I talk about creating 'families'. So the different 'family members' have different strengths. It is about differentiation and not about difference. So at the moment I see very different elements on your playground, I would like to see more elements that share some attributes and still be able to provide different possibilities ...

    I also like your 'newest' design also that you have a look at forms in nature, but time is running please don't start someting new all the time, please analyze, evaluate and then alter/change and refine the designs you are working on.

    also be careful how you arrange this elements - the right amount will make them precious and interesting or ubiquitous and boring – that is up to you

    again: good work
