All the Jury members told you that the most successful approach in your midterm presentation was the design of the one rendering where the tangles were creating a net-like structure.. do you remember?
please send me this image via mail so I know we are talking about the right thing
your project looses more elegance the thicker the tangles become:
I think you have two options:
1. Brazing/Soldering the tangles out of thin rod glue it to the printed cells (and then if you like you can color the rods whit white paint)
2. you have a design for the print (where you have thicker tangles)
and thinner rods in your renderings plans and sections
your project also looses elegance of design as well as quality of idea when you add elements (I indicated this additional elements in red) All the playground elements have to be designed out of the tangles (we told you this at the midterm review). For example a lot of very thin tangles could be 'woven' and form the surface elements you need... or the tangles could have swellings (only partially and they have to become very thin towards the end of the tangle again). These swellings (the thicker they become) could then create apertures (to retain their elegance) ect ect. I think you applied this technique already for the element indicated in orange please do the same with all the other elements you design (but be very careful with the proportions: keep the swellings long and thin)
Your tangles have to be THIN at the tips/ends and they have to go UNDER the surface of the neighboring building's retaining wall (like an infusion in an arm) I indicated this in blue
and the tangles do the same when they dive into the ground. At the moment they look as they would be floating (indicated in green)
again your tips/ends have to be THIN at the end (indicated with red x)
I always liked your design, your project was all about elegance so please integrate this comments.
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