We are still working on the render settings in order to create the sensation of these concave nests to be covered in a soft silicone like material, filled with water, as opposed to the frozen black sea sensation we would like the pavement to have.
We intend to make a photomontage once satisfied with the renders, in order for the image to take a morecontrast realistic yet contrasting edge.
As shown in the images, we created very geomestrical nests for our monsters, in order for them not to compete with their geometries, and differentiate and categorize the playground into different areas, with different uses for various ages.
The illuminatred balls will serve not only as lighting devices, but also as puffs and meeting points, sewing the different areas of the playground.
We are also experimenting with the nests materials, differentiating the areas with different sensorial arrousing textures, fur, sand, water, rubber spikes, silicone balls.
Very Important note:
ReplyDeleteplease use the new Layout I sent you for the midterm presentation
for the quality of your renderings:
the colors as well as the lighting of our scene don't really help you to emphasize your designs
you had already better settings in a previous posting (try those settings)
you made great designs now you have to start to assign them specific surface shaders that are enhancing their qualities - that make them even more attractive
You did choose blue as your main color palette;
please don't take the following too seriously, but at least consider how Hernan Diaz-Alonso reacts on the color blue in an interview with archinect a couple of years ago:
FDB: You don't like the color blue. Nevertheless you have a new Alienware laptop which happens to be blue.
HDA: Oh man. I'd rather not talk about that. They didn't have a black one, so when I wanted to return this blue one (which I didn't request,) they said it would take more than a month to send me one in black, so I opted to keep the blue because we needed the machine. So that's that.
FDB: But again, what's the issue with the blue color?
HDA: It is like a neutral thing! It has no commitment or passion to it. When you don't know what to do, you get blue.
as I said don't take it too seriously but be very passionate and sensitive also with the colors you choose
to save some time:
you can skip the photomontage. That wont be important for the midterm review . Midterms will be concerned with project and design development.